You Fought The Wrong Fight

It's such a beautiful day. Waking up with a sense of gratitude, you feel the warmth of the sun streaming through the window. The bed feels amazing, but you know it’s time to get up. "Let’s go!" you think, ready to seize the day.

Then, your phone rings. It’s your brother, spontaneously asking if you want to hang out. Without hesitation, you accept. Spending time with family is always worth it, and the thought of your brother coming to pick you up fills you with a humble joy. Throughout the morning, you exchange check-in texts with friends, feeling connected and appreciated. You’ve spent the most amazing day with your best friend and the memory you just captured will never be lost. This was one of the best days of your life.

But then, there's another kind of morning.

The alarm goes off, and despite the beautiful sunshine, it feels too bright, too harsh. The clock might as well read "I don’t feel like getting up o’ 30 (thirty)." You roll over, telling yourself, "I’m not doing this today." Three hours pass, and you’re still in bed. You need to use the bathroom, but the thought of getting up feels overwhelming. You stay put, trapped by a sense of inertia.

Two more hours go by, and you’re still fighting the urge to face the day. Eventually, you get up, use the bathroom, and go right back to bed. The phone rings, but you ignore it, setting your phone to Do Not Disturb. Three more hours pass. You shift your position in bed, but nothing changes—physically or mentally. The phone lights up again, but you still ignore it. You don’t feel like being bothered.

This cycle continues, and before you know it, the entire day has slipped away. You’ve spent it fighting a battle with yourself—a battle you were never meant to win.

The Fight You Can’t Win

Here’s the truth: You fought the wrong fight today. The struggle wasn’t with the world outside, but with the thoughts inside your own mind. Those thoughts told you that staying in bed was easier, that you didn’t have the energy to face the day, and that avoiding everything was the best option. But here’s the tough love—you’ll never win that fight by giving in to it.

You win by getting up. You win by deciding to take that first step, even when it feels impossible. You win by refusing to let your thoughts dictate your actions. It’s not about feeling motivated every day; it’s about choosing to act despite how you feel. You have the power to change the narrative, to turn a lost day into a victory, simply by getting out of bed and engaging with life.

The longer you stay in that bed, the stronger those defeating thoughts become. But the moment you get up, you start to weaken their grip. Each small action you take—getting out of bed, answering the phone, stepping outside—brings you closer to winning the fight that truly matters: the fight for your life, your energy, and your purpose.

Wake Up, Get Up, Live

You can’t win the fight by staying down. The victory is in getting up, in facing the day, no matter how daunting it seems. Stop allowing your thoughts to win. Don’t let them keep you in bed, away from the world, away from the opportunities that await you.

As author Hal Elrod once said, “The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you gain the power to change anything in your life.” It’s time to take responsibility. It’s time to get up, to wake up, and to live the life you’re meant to live.

So ask yourself, what will you choose today? Will you stay in bed, fighting the wrong fight, or will you get up and start winning the battle that truly matters?

Remember, the only fight worth fighting is the one that moves you forward. Get up. Wake up. The world is waiting for you.

Quiana Brown